Sample of the intro and first study - pdf
Leading the studies - Leader's Notes (pdf) - Suitable for photocopies with booklet printing.
Going Further and Deeper! - Additional material
Background for the notes in the book marked ** - Word document

Holy Week Services Suggestions
Tenebrae Service (pdf & Powerpoint)
Tenebrae background & readings (word)
Seder Meal, Feet Washing Ceremony and Stripping of the Altar - pdf
Seder suggested background proceedure - Word Doc
Seder Readings - Word Doc
Seder suggested layout of the tables - pdf
Pictorial suitable for Holy Week
Good Friday Service (Contemporary) pdf
Good Friday readings & prep material - (Word)
Good Friday Ecumenical Walk - pdf
Stations of the Cross - Powerpoint

Empty Chair Poster - pdf
Various studies in the "Grassroots" stable.